Thursday, March 14, 2013

The art of putting yourself out there...

   I recently joined a networking group and will have my graduation day tomorrow, yeah.  It has been an interesting experience to say the least. I have met some very enthusiastic and passionate people. However, given that I think I am a ambiavert I tend to save my enthusiasm for certain situations and be quiet or nervous in situations when I don't know the person all that well.  I didn't know whether I should be scared or impressed by their energy. I am one of those calm go with the follow kind of people but I will freak out on occasion given that I am human. The one thing I can comment on this whole experience so far is that I won't have time to be in a funk with all the resumes I will have to be writing, places to apply to, and practice interviews to do while still figuring out what I plan to do with my life.  I have gone from having nothing to do to thinking I am going to need a planner to keep track of my "new" schedule.
     I am just hoping I can keep up with it. I have been attending these early events while getting over laryngytis since apparently I am a masochist. I will be glad to get to friday and my bed and sleep, as much as this experience as woke me up in a sense. However, this waking up while a good thing, is not helping with the getting sleep and feeling better part of my recovery which is all on me. I think after this sleep I can figure out somewhat what to do in this so called "transitioning" part of my life post grad school. Or at the very least come up with a vague outline of the stuff I know I can do without turning myself into a human tornado. I am curious are there any other people who felt this lost/wondering/confused once they were done with school? 

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